Highlight of Civil Services Exam, 2011 Results|सिविल सेवा परीक्षा 2011 के परिणाम के मुख्य बिन्दु
Highlight of Civil Services Exam, 2011 Results|सिविल सेवा परीक्षा 2011 के परिणाम के मुख्य बिन्दु Following are the important highlights of the Civil Services Examination, 2011, for which final result has been declared today. The Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2011 was conducted on 12th June, 2011. A record number of 4,72,290 candidates applied for this examination, out of which 2,43,003 candidates have actually appeared. 11984 candidates were declared qualified for the Main written examination held in October-November, 2011 out of which 2417 candidates were selected for the Personality Test conducted in March-April, 2012. Finally, 910 candidates (715 male & 195 female) have been recommended for appointment to the IAS, IFS, IPS and other Central Services against 1001 reported vacancies. Vacancies unfilled presently are on account of 91 reserved community candidates qualifying on general standards. Depending on the options exercised by them finally, these vaca...