
Showing posts from 2013

UPSC Civil Services 2013 Main Examination New Pattern

UPSC Civil Services 2013 Main Examination New Pattern New Main Examination with 7 Papers Important Changes: Four General Studies Papers Current Affairs merged with the General Studies itself. All Four GS Papers needs to studied in current affairs context.  Devote more times on reading newspapers, and analysis articles. Now, only one optional needs to be selected. Literature can't be selected as optional unless, you're having literature in graduation. No Scope for HINDI. Pali is removed. Higher levels of General Awareness, Analysis, Ethics and General Aptitude are required in the examination. Interview (Personality Test) marks are reduced. Marks obtained by the candidates for all papers (Paper I-VII) will be counted for merit ranking. However,the Commission will have the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all papers of the examination. The written examination will consist of the following papers: Paper-I Section 1 Essay 200 Marks Section ...