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Predictions about The Future of World Religions in 2050, and comparing with the year 2010

Pew Research Center has released a report on "The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050" on April 02, 2015.

The report predicted that the future of the world religions will change demographically. The fertility rate, youth population, stabilization programmes and other factors were kept in mind while preparing the report.
Projected Annual Growth Rate of Country Populations, 2010-2050 Some of the salient points about the projections:
  • The Muslims will reach near the populations of Christians in the world in the year 2050.
  • The Hindus will constitute the fourth largest population group in the world, preceded by the Unaffiliated (Nastiks? ). 
  • The share of Jews in the USA population will be outnumbered by the Muslims population.
  • The India will have more Muslim population than the population of Muslims in the Indonesia, and thus have the largest Muslim population than any country in the world. 
  • Countries with Buddhist population will witness a stability in the growth of the population, and thus overall the Buddhist population will not change, but the Buddhist population will witness decline in the percentage share. 
  • The population of the unaffiliated witness the same faith as that of Buddhist population in the world. The population will witness small increase, while the population share in the world population will decline due the increase in the world population

Size and Projected Growth of Major Religious Groups

  • Only the Buddhist population will stay stable due to the declining fertility rates and aging population in the China, Japan and the Thailand. While the Muslims population will increase by 73%, the Christians by 35%, and the Hindus by 34%. Other religions will also witness an upward trend in their growth.

  • Islam Growing Fastest

  • Source :


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