
Showing posts from 2011

What is UPSC Civil Services Examination and What is the selection process?

Introduction to Civil Services Examination Despite large competition, people in India do not know much about the Civil Services (What is Civil Service?), and selection process of Civil Services Examination. In this article, We shall take an overview of Civil Services, discuss about the highest post of Civil Service, brief overview of Selection process of UPSC Civil Services. Union Public Service Commission ( UPSC ) conducts Civil Services Examination every year to select candidates for the prestigious Civil Services of India. The Civil Services are the permanent bureaucracy of the Union of India, and is the backbone of the administrative machinery of the country. There are lots of specialised civil services (e.g. IAS, IPS, IFoS, IRS etc) that comes under Government of India and thus considered Civil Service. Civil Servants are responsible for the implementation of the executive decisions of the Government. The members of civil service serve at the pleasure of the President o...

Syllabus for UPSC CSAT (Preliminary) examination

CSAT (Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs. Current events of national and international importance History of India and Indian national movement Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc. Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc. General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization General science. CSAT (Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs Comprehension Interpersonal skills including communication skills Logical reasoning and analytical ability Decision making and problem solving General mental ability Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency ...

Welcome to Simplifying UPSC CSAT 2018..we help to simplify your CSAT preparation

What is UPSC Civil Services Examination? UPSC Civil Services Aptitude Test aka CSAT competition, which is being conducted by UPSC of the Union of India, and aims to shortlist candidates for the Civil Services Main examination which is the primary battle towards the entry into the prestigious services of  Civil Servants. Every year UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts Civil Services Examination in Two Successive Stages i.e. Pre-Exam(CSAT) and Main Examination(Written and Interview) . Marks of the CSAT exam (Pre-Exam) are not counted for determining the final merit list of candidates for the selection. The UPSC Civil Services examination is considered to be one of the most difficult examinations in the world. Lakhs of candidates appear for the Pre (CSAT) examination, and only 4-5 thousands appear for mains and very few (less than 100) joins the elite services of the Government of India. UPSC selects for the Central Civil Services of the Government of India...