What is UPSC Civil Services Examination and What is the selection process?
Introduction to Civil Services Examination Despite large competition, people in India do not know much about the Civil Services (What is Civil Service?), and selection process of Civil Services Examination. In this article, We shall take an overview of Civil Services, discuss about the highest post of Civil Service, brief overview of Selection process of UPSC Civil Services. Union Public Service Commission ( UPSC ) conducts Civil Services Examination every year to select candidates for the prestigious Civil Services of India. The Civil Services are the permanent bureaucracy of the Union of India, and is the backbone of the administrative machinery of the country. There are lots of specialised civil services (e.g. IAS, IPS, IFoS, IRS etc) that comes under Government of India and thus considered Civil Service. Civil Servants are responsible for the implementation of the executive decisions of the Government. The members of civil service serve at the pleasure of the President o...