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Welcome to Simplifying UPSC CSAT 2018..we help to simplify your CSAT preparation

What is UPSC Civil Services Examination?

UPSC Civil Services Aptitude Test aka CSAT competition, which is being conducted by UPSC of the Union of India, and aims to shortlist candidates for the Civil Services Main examination which is the primary battle towards the entry into the prestigious services of  Civil Servants.

Every year UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts Civil Services Examination in Two Successive Stages i.e. Pre-Exam(CSAT) and Main Examination(Written and Interview). Marks of the CSAT exam (Pre-Exam) are not counted for determining the final merit list of candidates for the selection. The UPSC Civil Services examination is considered to be one of the most difficult examinations in the world. Lakhs of candidates appear for the Pre (CSAT) examination, and only 4-5 thousands appear for mains and very few (less than 100) joins the elite services of the Government of India.

UPSC selects for the Central Civil Services of the Government of India, including the Elite All-India-Service (AIS) Cadre => Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and Indian Police Service (IPS), and Elite Central Services Cadres include Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and Indian Revenue Serice (IRS).

(Do you know the difference between the Central Civil Services and All India Services Cadres?)
Please, find below the normal schedule for the conduct of Civil Services Examination :

UPSC Stage I
Pre-Exam Nowadays Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT): This is the qualifying and objective test held in May/June July/Aug every year. Notification for this is published in Dec/Jan Mar/April. The results are published in the first half of Septebmer. The fate of lakhs of candidates are decided by this exam.

Civil Services (Mains): This is the written exam held in October/November every year. Results are usually published in the second week of March. 4-5 thousand candidates appear for this exam.

Civil Services Personality Test (Interview): It is final test and is held in April/May every year. Final results are usually announced in last of May.

The training program for the selected candidates usually commences in August every year. The training of IAS cadre is commences at LBSNAA(Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration ) Mussorie.

Please, note that their are several key changes in the Civil Services Examination in the years 2011 to the year 2016. In the year 2015, the overall process for the selection process has been shortened! Their is increase in the age limit too i.e. 32 years of age for the general category candidates!
(Are you aware about the changes in the UPSC Civil Services Examination in these years?)

More details about Civil Services Examination Pattern: UPSC Civil Services Exam
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