
Showing posts from March, 2012

Highlights of Economic Survey 2011-12|आर्थिक समीक्षा 2011-12

Following are the highlights of Economic Survey 2011-12 : Rate of growth estimated to be 6.9%.  Outlook for growth and stability is promising with real GDP growth expected to pick up to 7.6% in 2012-13 and 8.6% in 2013-14. Agriculture and Services sectors continue to perform well. 2.5 % growth in Agro sector forecast. Services sector grows by 9.4 % ,  its share in GDP goes up to 59%. Industrial growth pegged at 4-5 percent, expected to improve as economic recovery resumes. Inflation on WPI was high but showed clear slow down by the year-end; this is likely to spur investment activities leading to positive impact on growth.   WPI food inflation dropped from 20.2% in February 2010 to 1.6% in January 2012; calibrated steps initiated to rein-in inflation on top priority. India remains among the fastest growing economies of the world. Country’s sovereign credit rating rose by a substantial 2.98 percent in 2007-12. Fiscal consolidation on track - savings ...

World Sparrow Day: March 20 विश्व चिड़िया दिवस

Chirp for the Sparrow; Tweet for the Sparrow World Sparrow Day 2012 March 20 is being observed as the World House Sparrow Day. The theme (विषय ) for the World Sparrow Day 2012 is ‘Chirp for the Sparrow; Tweet for the Sparrow’. Mohammed Dilavar is called the ‘sparrow man of India’ , as he has been successful in drawing the attention of the world about the declining number of house sparrows.  A study conducted by the Andhra University, Visakhapatnam highlighted that population of house sparrows fell by over 60 percent even in rural areas of coastal Andhra Pradesh.  A survey conducted by the British Trust for Ornithology showed that house sparrow population in Britain has declined by about 58 percent since 1970. Scientists and experts say that severe changes in the urban ecosystem in recent times have had tremendous impact on the population of house sparrows whose numbers are declining constantly. Mobile tower radiation and excessive use of chemica...