What are the key Sub-schemes under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) ? Hon’ble Prime Minister acting through CCEA has given its approval for key sub-schemes under Umbrella Scheme “Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)” from 1.4.2017 to 30.11.2018 with an outlay of over Rs.41,000 crore: i. Anganwadi Services ii. Scheme for Adolescent Girls iii. Child Protection Services iv. National Crèche Scheme v. National Nutrition Mission is also proposed. Approval will be taken later. Additionally, the CCEA also approved: i. implementation of Scheme for Adolescent Girls for out of school girlsi ii. in the age group of 11-14 years, its phased expansion iii. phasing out of the on–going Kishori Shakti Yojana for out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years. CCEA: Cabinet Commit...
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