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What are the key Sub-schemes under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)

What are the key Sub-schemes under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) ?

Hon’ble Prime Minister acting through CCEA has given its approval for key sub-schemes under Umbrella Scheme “Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)” from 1.4.2017 to 30.11.2018 with an outlay of over Rs.41,000 crore:
i. Anganwadi Services
ii. Scheme for Adolescent Girls
iii. Child Protection Services
iv. National Crèche Scheme
v. National Nutrition Mission is also proposed. Approval will be taken later.

Additionally, the CCEA also approved:
i. implementation of Scheme for Adolescent Girls for out of school girlsi
ii. in the age group of 11-14 years, its phased expansion
iii. phasing out of the on–going Kishori Shakti Yojana for out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years.

CCEA: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
The decision also provides for conversion of National Crèche Scheme from Central Sector to Centrally Sponsored Scheme with the revised cost sharing between Centre and States as 60:40 for all States and UTs with legislature, 90:10 for NER and Himalayan States and 100% for UTs without legislature and implementation of the Scheme through States/UTs instead of existing implementation agencies.


The ongoing schemes have been rationalized by the Government in financial year 2016-17 and have been brought under Umbrella ICDS as its sub-schemes. These sub-schemes need to be continued for delivering the child related services to the intended beneficiaries. The aims of these schemes are as under:

a. Anganwadi Services (ICDS) 

This scheme aims at
  • holistic development of children under the age of six years 
  • and its beneficiaries are children of this age group 
  • and Pregnant Women & Lactating Mothers.

b. Scheme for Adolescent Girls

This scheme aims
  • to facilitate, educate and empower Adolescent Girls so as to enable them to become self-reliant 
  • and aware citizens through improved nutrition and health status, 
  • promoting awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition, 
  • mainstreaming out of school AGs into formal/non formal education 
  • and providing information/guidance about existing public services.

c. Child Protection Services

The objectives is
  • to provide safe and secure environment for children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection, 
  • reduce vulnerabilities through a wide range of social protection measures, 
  • prevent actions that lead to abuse, neglect, exploitation, abandonment and separation of children from families etc., 
  • bring focus on non-institutional care, 
  • develop a platform for partnership between Government & Civil Society 
  • and establish convergence of child related social protection services.

d. National Creche Scheme 

This scheme aims at
  • providing a safe place for mothers to leave their children while they are at work, 
  • and thus, is a measure for empowering women as it enables them to take up employment. 
  • At the same time, it is also an intervention towards protection and development of children in the age group of 6 months to 6 years.


The sub-schemes listed above are not new schemes but are continuing from the XII Five Year Plan. The programme through targeted interventions will strive to reduce the level of malnutrition, anaemia and low birth weight babies, ensure empowerment of adolescent girls, provide protection to the children who are in conflict with law, provide safe place for day-care to the children of working mothers, create synergy, ensure better monitoring, issue negative alerts for timely action, encourage States/UTs to perform, guide and supervise the line Ministries and States/UTs to achieve the targeted goals and bring more transparency.


More than 11 crore children, pregnant women & Lactating Mothers and the Adolescent Girls will be benefited through this scheme.

Financial Outlay:

The details of expenditure for the period from 01.04.2017 to 30.11.2018 for various sub-schemes are as follows: (Rupees in crore)
Name of the sub-scheme           Amount approved
Anganwadi Services    34441.34
National Nutrition Mission (proposed) 4241.33
Scheme for Adolescent Girls  1238.37
Child Protection Services  1083.33
National Crèche Scheme 349.33
Total 41353.70

Implementation Strategy and Targets:

Anganwadi Services (ICDS) and Child Protection Services are already in operation in the entire country. The Scheme for Adolescent Girls will be expanded in a phased manner. National Creche Scheme will continue to be implemented in 23,555 creches. Approval for National Nutrition Mission shall be obtained separately.

States/districts covered:

Anganwadi Services (ICDS) and Child Protection Services are already in operation in the entire country. National Nutrition Mission will be rolled out in a phased manner. Similarly, Scheme for Adolescent Girls will be expanded in a phased manner.

Source: PIB.GOV.IN


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