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National Knowledge Network

Fibre Optic Network based National Knowledge Network

  • Under the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) it is envisaged to provide connectivity to over 25000+ colleges and 2000 polytechnics in the country and to 419 universities/deemed universities and institutions of national importance. 
  • Connectivity to the universities are provided on optical fibre and to the colleges are provided on copper cable. 
  • Up to another 400 universities fall under the ambit of National Knowledge Network (NKN) for connectivity. 
  • As on 29.2.2012, 391 universities and more than 15396 colleges in the country have been connected under NMEICT. 
  • An amount of Rs. 1500 crore has been approved by the Government during the 11th Five Year Plan for the connectivity. 
  • An amount of Rs. 872,95,19,701/- has already been spent so far for providing connectivity to University/Colleges. 
  • By obtaining synergy between NMEICT and NKN, a lot of cost reduction and bandwidth enhancement has taken place for the universities.


NMEICT - National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology
NKN - National Knowledge Network


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