151 Lakh tonnes Additional Foodgrain Storage to be Created in 19 States
Creation of Additional Food-grain Storages in India
The Government has formulated a scheme to Create 151 Lakh tonnes Additional Foodgrain Storage in 19 States. These Storages will be used for additional foodgrains, and will also reduce the storage under Cover and Plinth (CAP).
This Government of India Scheme has construction of storage godowns through
- Private Entrepreneurs,
- Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) and
- State Warehousing Corporations (SWCs).
Under the scheme, the Food Corporation of India would now give a guarantee of ten years for assured hiring to the private entrepreneurs. A capacity of about 151 lakh tonnes is to be created under the scheme in 19 states. Out of this as on 15.10.2011 tenders have been finalized for creation of storage capacity of 69 lakh tonnes by the private entrepreneurs.
Details of the storage capacities alloted to the states is as under:
(Pl. note that, we have highlighted the important ones)
total Food-grain Storages
method of creation of additional Food-Storages, reduction of CAP scheme
role of FCI
state with maximum Food-grain storages, and reason behind?
key challenge Food Storage
role of FCI
state with maximum Food-grain storages, and reason behind?
key challenge Food Storage
CAP - Cover and Plinth (to keep foodgrains outside storages, by keeping them in stacks and covering with waterproof material)
CWC - Central Warehousing Corporation
FCI - Food Corporation of India
FCI - Food Corporation of India
MT - Metric Tonne 1000kg
SWC - State Warehousing Corporation
Additional - अतरिक्त
Important meanings in Hindi:
Additional - अतरिक्त
Corporation - निगम
Cover and Plinth - खम्बे की तरह उचाई बनाना और उसको अच्छे से ढकना ( गोदाम भरने पर यही तरीका अपनाया जाता हैं )
Entrepreneur - उद्योगपति
Formulated - सूत्रित
Scheme - पद्धति
Scheme - पद्धति
Storage - भंडारण , गोदाम
Tender - निविदा
Warehouse - माल गोदाम, भंडार