Game Changers for MSME Sector in the 12th Five Year Plan
The recommendation of the Working Group on MSMEs Growth for 12th Five Year Plan aims at giving a new thrust to the MSME sector. The working Group has identified the following Game Changers, implementation of which will give a boost to the MSME sector in the Global Market.
- Operationalization of SME exchanges for enabling access to Equity Finance.
- Scheme for acquisition and up-gradation of technology.
- Developing clusters of excellence.
- Setting up of 100 Tool Rooms and PPDCs.
- Procurement policy for Goods/services from MSEs by the Government Deptts. and Central PSUs.
- B2B International portal.
- Enabling global footprints of MSMEs.
- Leveraging Defence Offset Policies in favour of MSMEs.
- Revamped Skill Development & Capacity Building Programme.
- Encouraging young/ first generation entrepreneurs by upscaling PMEGP and other programmes.
- Strengthening of Institutions – MSME-DIs, EDIs and KVI Institutions.
- Application of E-tools in promotional and regulatory matters for facilitating easy entry.
- Real time Statistical & Policy Analysis through strengthening of Database.
Umbrella SchemesThe Working Group recommends 6 umbrella schemes –
(i) Credit and Finance,
(ii) Technology and Innovation,
(iii) Infrastructure,
(iv) Marketing,
(v) Skill and Entrepreneurship Development,
(vi) Institutional Structure.
The advantages of such an approach are manifold:
- There would be flexibility of utilization of funds under each Umbrella Scheme.
- Funds can be transferred to components which are doing well from those experiencing tardy implementation.
- The implementation of different components would be cost-effective and time saving since the inter-linkages between different components can be addressed simultaneously. For example, the land procurement and construction of building relating to setting up of CFCs, Testing Labs, Flatted Factory Complexes, Modular Industrial Estates, Tool Rooms/TDCs etc. can be addressed simultaneously under the Umbrella Scheme on Infrastructure whenever the land and building under different components are planned in the same place.
- The greatest advantage of implementation of Umbrella Scheme is the visibility of impact of implementation of such Schemes.
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