National Geoscience Awards 2010

  • The National Geoscience Awards-2010, a prestigious award of the Ministry of Mines in the field of basic and applied geosciences will be conferred to forty three Eminent Geoscientist, Mining Technologist of the country by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha Smt. Meira Kumar on 16th February, 2012 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.
  • Shri Dinsha J. Patel, Minister of States of Mines (Independent Charge), Government of India will preside over the function. 
  • Prof.C.Leelanandam will be the recipient of the coveted National Geoscience Award for Excellence-2010 for his lifetime achievement for the advancement of teaching and research in petrological studies in India. 
  • Out of the forty three awards nineteen awards are given in sixteen disciplines covering Mineral Discovery and Exploration, Mining Technology, Mineral beneficiation, Sustainable Mineral Development, Basic Geosciences and Applied Geosciences including Geo- environmental studies and Disaster Management etc. To encourage young talent “Young Researcher Award” has also been instituted. 
  • The selection of the awardees is done by award making authority chaired by Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Mines. The awards carry a certificate, citation, trophy and a cash prize.


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