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National Awards on E-Governance 2011-12

National Awards on e-governance for 2011-12 have been announced. The awards are given by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances every year to recognize and promote excellence in implementation of e-governance initiatives. The winners this year are as under:

AWARDS 2011-12 
Category 1 - Excellence in Government Process Re-engineering 
GOLD:     "e-Checkpost - Transparent, Objective & Paperless System", Commercial Tax Department, Government of Karnataka and NIC.
BRONZE: "e-Awas - Government Accommodation Management System (GAMS)",  Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.

Category 2 - Exemplary Re-Use of ICT Based Solutions
GOLD:     Health Management Information Systems, Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu.
GOLD Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project, Commissionerate of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra.

Category 3 - Outstanding performance in Citizen-Centric Service Delivery
GOLD Sugarcane Information System (SIS), Sugarcane Commissioner, Sugarcane Development & Sugarcane Industries Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
SILVER Pregnancy, Child Tracking & Health Services Management System (PCTS), Medical Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Rajasthan and NIC.
SILVER E-Mamta: Mother and Child Tracking Application, State Health Rural Mission, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat.

Category 4 - Innovative use of Technology in e-Governance
GOLD Cloud Telephony and IVRS based Daily Monitoring System: A Revolutionary Approach for Monitoring Government Programmes, Mid Day Meal Authority, Basic Education Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
SILVER OASYS (Online Answering Information System for Legislative Assembly), Rajasthan Legislative Assembly & NIC.
BRONZE Integrated Geo-spatial ICT Solution for Scientific Planning & Monitoring of MGNREGS works in Gujarat, MGNREGS, Commissionerate of Rural Development, Department of Rural Development, Government of Gujarat.

Category 5 - Innovative use of ICT by PSUs for Customer’s Benefits
BRONZE IndSoft CMS - Central Management System for LPG, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

Category 6 - Best Government Portal
GOLD Integrated Odisha Treasury Management System (iOTMS), Directorate of Treasuries & Inspection, Department of Finance, Government of Odisha.
SILVER RTI Central Monitoring Mechanism, Information & Public Relation Department, Government of Odisha.

Category 7 - Specific Sectoral Award - Focus Sector – Local Government
GOLD Property tax and water charges revenue management system, Online Birth and Death Certificate, Building Permission Management, Solid Waste Management with vehicle tracking, Grievance Management System, Online Dashboard for works Management, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation.
BRONZE Janmitra Samadhan Kendra, District Administration, Gwalior.

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National Awards on E-Governance by Government of India.
The purpose of these awards is to:-
a) Recognize achievements in the area of e-Governance.
b) Disseminate knowledge on effective methods of designing and implementing sustainable e-Governance initiatives.
c) Encourage horizontal transfer of successful e-Governance solutions.
d) Promote and exchange experiences in solving problems, mitigating risks, resolving issues and planning for success.

The awards are given in seven categories as detailed below.
Excellence in Government Process Re-engineering: This award seeks to recognize the best-in-class projects that involved analysis and re-design of workflow and aimed at improvement in outcomes related to efficiency, effectiveness of process, cost, quality, service delivery or a combination of these.

Exemplary Re-Use of ICT-based Solutions: This award seeks to recognize the exemplary projects implemented at department or organization level that have been replicated to other departments or organizations with suitable modifications.

Outstanding performance in Citizen-Centric Service Delivery: This award seeks to recognize the projects aimed at delivering enhanced value to its beneficiaries through effective use of ICT.

Innovative Use of Technology in e-Governance: This award seeks to recognize the projects demonstrating use of path breaking ICT or innovative use of an existing ICT.

Innovative Use of ICT by PSUs for Customer's Benefits: This award seeks to recognize projects implemented in PSUsthat demonstrate effective use of ICT focused at improving the process outcomes.

Best Government Portal: This award seeks to recognize the departments that have contributed most towards development of a content enriched and visually appealing website, enhancing public access and service delivery through use of ICT.

Sectoral Award: This award seeks to recognize achievements in the focus sector for the year.


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